7 foods that will clean your intestines: It opens the blocked intestine instantly! – Last Minute Life News


Many digestive problems can occur due to our eating habits. Having a healthy diet and regular exercise play an important role in reducing digestive problems. Failure to cleanse the intestines can cause a variety of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, digestive problems, nervous system disorders and circulatory system problems. The most effective method to cleanse the intestines is to consume healthy and nutritious foods. Alright, What are the foods that instantly open blocked intestines? At work 7 foods that will cleanse your intestines…


1. Beetroot:

Beetroot is a natural source of iron and calcium. It also supports digestion and helps prevent constipation by cleansing the intestines and liver.

2. Red pepper:

The function of red pepper is not limited to giving a hot taste to dishes. It also has mucus-dissolving properties thanks to the structural components it contains. This especially helps cleanse the mucous formations in the body. Consuming red pepper can help relieve and eliminate symptoms that cause digestive disorders.

3. Garlic:

It cleans harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites and viruses in the intestines. It also prevents the accumulation of harmful substances in the vessels and neutralizes cancer cells.


4. Chia seeds:

These tiny seeds are excellent intestinal cleansers. When they are kept in water, they swell and take on a liquid consistency, and with these properties they are effective against constipation problems. It is also a rich source of antioxidant omega-3 fatty acids. You can add chia seeds to a glass of water, let it sit, and add this gelled mixture to your drinks. You can also add a nutritious touch by sprinkling chia seeds on your salads! Chia seeds contain fibre, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for a healthy digestive system, so consuming them regularly can help support digestive health.

5. Dark, leafy greens:

Dark, leafy greens contain plenty of fiber and minerals. They also contain antioxidant substances that help cleanse the body of toxins. If you have digestive system problems, consuming cooked vegetables is one of the best options because they are easier to digest. Choosing regularly cooked green leafy vegetables such as spinach, chard and broccoli in your meals can support digestive system health. These vegetables regulate digestion with their fiber content and help purify the body from toxins. It’s also important to use healthy oils. Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado oil and butter allow the body to better absorb the vitamins and minerals found in greens. Therefore, green leafy vegetables cooked with healthy oils or used in salads help you get the best benefits of nutrients.

6: Probiotics:

Probiotics consist of fermented beneficial bacteria and often have a sour taste. Foods such as yoghurt and kefir contain probiotics. Consuming these types of foods supports intestinal health by filling our intestines with beneficial bacteria. Probiotics increase the power of fighting microbes in our intestines and make the digestive system work better. It is also important to take probiotics externally. Probiotic supplements or foods containing probiotics can help support digestive health by adding them to our daily diet. Consuming probiotics regularly can help reduce digestive problems and provide positive effects on overall health.

7 Plants:

Fennel seeds help relax the intestines by preventing mucus formation. Mint is known for its digestive properties and provides relief in digestion. It may also help reduce vascular formation. Oregano both tries to prevent the formation of viruses and keeps the formation of fungi under control. These plants have natural and beneficial properties and are worth including on your table in terms of health. By including these plants in your daily diet, you can support your digestive system health and protect your body naturally.


8: Psyllium:

Similarly, this food, which turns into a gelatinous structure when soaked in water, has properties similar to chia seeds. When you start this type of diet, it is recommended that you go slowly at first because it can be difficult to predict your body’s reactions to this change. It is also important to consume plenty of water to strengthen digestion and support intestinal cleansing. Water can aid in the digestion of gelatinous foods and contributes to the body’s natural detox process. Paying attention to your body’s needs and ensuring proper water intake while implementing your new eating habits can support your digestive health.

9. Celery:

Celery is known as an excellent blood purifier and is an ideal vegetable to cleanse the body of harmful substances. Thanks to the natural ingredients it contains, it provides a detox effect and cleanses the blood. Flavonoids, antioxidants and other nutrients contained in celery support the removal of toxins from the body. The health benefits of celery are not limited to blood cleansing. It supports general body health thanks to the vitamins (C, K), minerals (potassium, folate), antioxidants and other nutrients it contains. Recommended ways to consume celery include using it raw in salads, adding it to smoothies, or using it in cooked dishes.

10. Prebiotics:

Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that are important for digestive system health and support digestive functions. They also play an important role in preventing infections from entering the body. Prebiotics encourage the nutrition of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system and enable these bacteria to multiply. This contributes to balancing the intestinal flora and strengthening the immune system. Foods such as onion, garlic, apples, almonds and bananas have prebiotic properties and support digestive system health when consumed regularly. These foods can help regulate digestive system functions while also protecting the body against infections. To make the most of the digestive health benefits of prebiotics, try to include such foods in your daily diet. Regularly consuming foods containing prebiotics along with a balanced and varied nutrition program is important for the digestive system and general health.

The article is in Turkish

Tags: foods clean intestines opens blocked intestine instantly Minute Life News


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