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What would the Matrix movie have been like if it had been shot in the 1980s?

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After the artificial intelligence elements that imitated Steve Jobs’s dialect, another interesting concept emerged. This time, artificial intelligence sought an answer to the question of what it would be like if Alejandro Jodorowsky had shot the Matrix movie.

The Matrix movie goes back to 1980

world’s first artificial intelligence A group of entrepreneurs who have a magazine project prepared with Matrix adapting the movie to the 1980s. The directing pattern was inspired by Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Jodorowsky, who is known as the crazy director of the history of cinema and whose original Dune project in the 1970s was shelved, inspired movies such as Star Wars and Alien, focused more on the cyberpunk theme.

The startup trained the artificial intelligence engine with the work of Jodorowsky, and an interesting staff and design studies emerged. In the scenario prepared by artificial intelligence, the young star of that period, Viggo Mortensen, plays the role of Matrix. Tommy Lee Jones stars as Agent Smith, while Trinity is played by Sharon Stone. Yoko Ono is the Oracle in the movie, while Rutger Hauer plays the Gemini role.

It is a matter of curiosity how the retro Matrix production, which is stated to be in test production, will result. However, it is stated that there are problems especially in finger simulation. Of course, it will not be a production that will be released, but it will definitely move the stones in the world of cinema.

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