Those who saw it asked: “Chicken or rooster?” Ihlas News Agency

Those who saw it asked: “Chicken or rooster?” Ihlas News Agency
Those who saw it asked: “Chicken or rooster?” Ihlas News Agency

The half chicken and half rooster that the furniture factory owner keeps as a hobby in İnegöl district of Bursa shocks those who see him. There is no example of this poultry animal in Turkey, which has the characteristics of a chicken on the right side and a rooster on the left. British scientists discovered a rare, half-chicken, half-rooster specimen called Sam, which carries male and female characteristics together (gynandromorphic/mixed sexual), in İnegöl.

İsmail Şentürk, the owner of a furniture factory who raises poultry as a hobby in Bursa’s İnegöl district, was shocked when he saw the half-chicken, half-rooster animal born from the eggs his chickens incubated last year. Explaining the incident, İsmail Şentürk said, “Last year, we have an animal that hatched from under the chickens. As the day passed and it grew, we had difficulties in deciding the gender of the animal. Sometimes we called it a rooster, sometimes we called it a chicken. When it was fully grown, we realized that it was half rooster and half chicken. We did research on this. Around the world It is a very rare case. It was a surprise for us to share this. It does not mate with roosters or chickens. As a result, there is no breeding. “It’s an interesting situation. British scientists have encountered such a situation before and they took it into research at universities,” he said. Talking about its features, Şentürk said, “The right side is a chicken, its comb is completely short, thin and completely green. The comb on the left side is long, completely rooster. Its left leg is yellow, roosters are usually yellow. Chickens are greenish. It has the same features. Half of its body is like a less developed chicken.” It’s like the roosters whose left side is bigger. Even the right leg is weaker and the left leg is meatier. We are putting it in the mix right now, but it fights with both roosters and chickens. It’s a completely different breed if the university wants to investigate it. “We can,” he said.

The article is in Turkish

Tags: asked Chicken rooster Ihlas News Agency


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